Hill Coates Sponsors Combat Stress Clay Day

Hill Coates Associates Limited was very pleased to sponsor the Combat Stress Clay Day on 21st September for the 9th year in succession. This took place at E.J. Churchill Shooting Ground | Lane End (ejchurchill.com) near High Wycombe. The charity does a fantastic job for veterans’ mental health not least those suffering from PTSD, once they have worked out that they are suffering from it. We heard a moving testimonial from one suffer, who gradually worked out what was troubling him after very nearly killing himself. He attributes his ability to cope with life now completely to the residential courses held at Tyrwhitt House and the many difficult sessions that helped him to look at life differently. It was also great to have the display team from the 7th (Reserve) Battalion, The Rifles who let us play with various elements of their firepower capability. They were accompanied by two buglers who sounded calls before the various announcements and speeches. The one call that everyone knew was “Cookhouse” and no further announcement of lunch was needed!