Hill Coates Sponsors Combat Stress Clay Shoot

Anyone watching recent episodes of Our Girl or who has recently taken part in the #22PushUpChallenge will know that PTSD can effect the youngest soldier of either gender as well as those from previous eras such as Bosnia or Northern Ireland. So it was a great pleasure for Hill Coates Associates to sponsor the hospitality package at the Combat Stress (the Veterans Mental Welfare charity) annual charity clay day at the Royal Berkshire Shooting School outside Pangbourne. Combat Stress is a registered charity in the United Kingdom offering residential and community treatment to former members of the British Armed Forces suffering from a range of mental health conditions including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Combat Stress provides treatment for all Veterans suffering with mental illness free of charge. On average it takes 13 years for a Veteran to come to Combat Stress for treatment, however for those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan the time period is much lower. Several of Hill Coates’s consultants as Regular or Army Reserve Officers so our team enjoyed shooting alongside teams from the Army, from 4PARA and the Royal Navy. We didn’t to too badly either and our picture shows Mike Robertson, Simon Hill, John Dean (of Seddons) and David Innes happily dispaying their “Glorious 12th” prizes, having attained that position in the overall scores.