Laura Kuenssberg Three Things

Simon Hill, Hill Coates Associates’ Managing Consultant chaired The Rifles Officers’ London Club’s quarterly Business Breakfast addressed by BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg at the Cavalry & Guards Club on 1st February 2017. Laura spoke on three things we should know about three things we should know. The first of these was Donald Trump who really is what he appears to be, will govern the way he promised in his campaign and who is the President the American people chose. She talked about Theresa May, her characteristics, her team and how she approaches government. She talked about Brexit, how it is going to happen, how the signs were there for it particularly outside London and its area of influence and that it is now about what can be done against the ticking clock. Laura took questions for nearly 40 minutes after which Simon thanked her for a fascinating and helpful insight into current affairs and the people behind them.