Leading A Private Equity-Backed Buyout

Hill Coates Associates is always looking for senior sector executives who have recently stepped down as an executive director of a plc board and, their executive careers behind them, are wishing to leverage their industry knowledge and connections in a way that will that will create capital for them, in the sector they know so well. They are probably more entrepreneurial than many of their former colleagues, who are happy to tread the well trodden path to a portfolio of plc non-executive roles, often focused more on corporate governance rather than growth. We can give such executives the support they need to think about how capital can best be put to work in their sector, to identify target companies that could be acquired as suitable vehicles given a growth investment thesis, and connect them with the private equity houses most likely to be collaborate on an acqusition, after which the executives will often act as a significantly invested chairman, chief executive or senior advisor. Executives wishing to investigate this further are welcome to contact Simon Hill on simon.hill@hillcoates.com.temp.link