Sir Kenneth Olisa Connect 127 Speaker

Simon Hill, Hill Coates’ Associates Managing Consultant was very pleased to host the Inaugural Lunch of Connect 127, the new business network of the Cavalry & Guards Club. This brings together members to hear insights from a promise business leader, make or deepen useful contacts and to assist those transitioning from service lifer to the business world. Our speaker was ICT guru and financier Sir Kenneth Olisa, HM Lord Lieutenant of London and Chairman of Restoration Partners, the technology merchant bank. After a sumptuous lunch of Saddle of Lamb and Millionaires Chocolate Mousse (appropriate choice!) Sir Kenneth spoke passionately and entertainingly about the importance of values, service, diversity and inclusion to get the best out of everyone and harvest everyone’s contribution. As the host’s watch had stopped we overran a little and those who didn’t have to rush back to the office were able to mingle for a little longer including Sir Kenneth, who was most generous with his time. Simon was pleased to announce that the next event is to be addressed by Nicholas Lyons, lately Lord Mayor of London and originator of the Mansion House Compact.